Asusdsln55ucustomfirmware BETTER
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How to Install Asus DSL-N55U Custom Firmware Codename: Bender
If you are looking for a way to improve the performance and functionality of your Asus DSL-N55U router, you may want to consider installing a custom firmware called Bender. Bender is a project that merges two popular firmware projects for Asus routers: AsusWRT and AsusWRT-Merlin. Bender extends the support of AsusWRT-Merlin to Ralink based devices, such as the DSL-N55U.
Bender provides a new and better web interface, as well as some extra features that are not available in the stock firmware. For example, you can enable or disable WiFi directly from the status page, or customize the firewall and QoS settings. Bender also aims to be lightweight and fast, reducing the size of the web data and optimizing the code.
In this article, we will show you how to install Bender on your DSL-N55U router. Before you proceed, please note that this is an experimental firmware and may have some bugs or issues. You should backup your settings and data before flashing, and proceed at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur as a result of following this guide.
Step 1: Download Bender Firmware
The first step is to download the latest version of Bender firmware from the GitHub repository: You will find a zip file named in the release folder. Extract the zip file and you will see two files: dsl-n55u-bender.trx and dsl-n55u-bender-restore.trx. The first file is the Bender firmware that you will flash on your router, and the second file is a restore firmware that you can use to revert back to the stock firmware if needed.
Step 2: Flash Bender Firmware
The next step is to flash the Bender firmware on your router. To do this, you need to access the web interface of your router by typing in your browser (the default username and password are both admin). Go to Administration > Firmware Upgrade and click on Browse. Select the dsl-n55u-bender.trx file that you downloaded and extracted in the previous step, and click on Upload. Wait for the upload to finish and do not interrupt the process. The router will reboot automatically when the flashing is done.
Step 3: Enjoy Bender Firmware
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Bender firmware on your DSL-N55U router. You can now access the new web interface by typing in your browser (the default username and password are still admin). You will see a new status page with some shortcuts for WiFi settings, as well as a new menu with more options and features. You can explore and customize the firmware according to your preferences and needs.
If you encounter any problems or have any feedback, you can visit the GitHub repository or contact the developer of Bender firmware. You can also donate to support his work if you like it. If you want to go back to the stock firmware, you can flash the dsl-n55u-bender-restore.trx file using the same method as above.
We hope this guide was helpful and informative. Enjoy your new and improved DSL-N55U router with Bender firmware! aa16f39245